Our Approach

Our Passion

We love helping people! Our purpose is to help you have the best opportunity to achieve your purpose.


Simply stated, in order for you to have the best opportunity to achieve your purpose, you need to be the healthiest version of you that is possible, so that you can live as long as possible and be as productive as possible.

Your Nervous System

An essential key to your good health is having a properly functioning nervous system.


There are tests routinely performed in medical doctors’ offices, and even in most chiropractic doctor’s offices (range of motion tests, orthopedic tests, neurologic tests, muscle tests, chiropractic tests, etc). In our office, we may perform these various tests, but we also may perform a more advanced, computerized nerve assessment tests in which we actually measure how nerves are functioning.

Think about it: In order for your heart to beat properly, or your lungs to breathe, or your stomach to digest, etc, you need to have a properly functioning nervous system.  Heck, you can’t even scratch your nose without a properly functioning nervous system!

Stress – The Silent Killer

Unfortunately, many of us do not have a properly functioning nervous system. The fact is, many of us hold our life’s stresses in our nervous systems.


Both current stresses and past stresses can be held and expressed through an abnormally functioning nervous system, and this often presents itself as symptoms. Typically, we eventually grow tired of having symptoms, so we take action to address the symptoms, but too often we ignore the causes!


Current and past stresses fall into three main categories:

  • Physical Stress

(think: falling off a bike, or napping on a couch, for example)

  • Chemical Stress

(think: certain cleaning chemicals, or some food allergies/food preservatives, for example)

  • Emotional Stress

(think: relationship problems, or school or job-related stresses, for example)


Individually or combined, these stresses abruptly or over time can overwhelm your body’s natural inclination toward good function and good health.

Our Approach

We need first to determine if there’s a chance you even belong in our office!


We begin by performing two screening tests, which we do at our expense. If one or both of these tests are reactive, then we recommend moving ahead with a more comprehensive evaluation.


If your evaluation confirms your need for the kind of services we provide, then we proceed with care. If it does not, then we refer you to a place we would hope to go, if we were you.

Steps to Better Health

The most important step in your recovery is to restore healthier nervous system function.


Unhealthy nervous system function is often accompanied by an unwanted symptom, and often, but not always, the unwanted symptom is pain.


The second most important step in your recovery is to identify and minimize whatever may have caused or contributed to your current condition.

We Both Have a Purpose

You have a purpose in this life, and you cannot fully express that purpose if you cannot fully experience the greatest quality and quantity of life. 


Our purpose is to get to the bottom of your health conditions, to provide care, and to provide information and recommendations regarding your health, including strategies that may allow you to maintain, and perhaps even improve your health.


Your best life depends upon you having your best health, and we look forward to partnering with you toward having that!

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